What is Library Search?


What is it?

Library Search is a platform that aggregates a large percentage of the library’s electronic and print resources, making them all searchable at the same time from one central location. The purpose of Library Search is to streamline your research process.  Instead of having to go to different search interfaces to search for books and individual databases to search for articles, you can start your searching with the Library Search platform.

What does it include?

Library Search includes local print materials, electronic journals, books, and article citations from many of the databases the library subscribes, the Institutional Repository, as well as, our Digital and Data Collections. When you search using Library Search, you will find books, articles, images, datasets, graphs, charts, and many more different resource types.

Does it include everything the library owns?

Library Search covers a large portion of the articles and resources the library subscribes to, making it a great starting point for your research. However, it does not include every database Purdue subscribes to. Some databases are excluded due to restrictions imposed by publishers or database vendors. If you’re unsure which subject-specific databases might be useful to search, you can find contact information for a subject specialist using the subject selector at the top of the LibGuides Research Profiles page.

Where do I go for more help?

Purdue University Librarians are here to help you with your research. For searching and reference questions, please use the Ask a Librarian reference service where you have many options for receiving assistance.




  • Last Updated Aug 22, 2024
  • Views 5807
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