What is an alternative to UBorrow?

This spring, Big Ten libraries are transitioning to a new system for sharing materials that will happen seamlessly for requests submitted to interlibrary loan. All incoming requests will now be searched automatically against other Big Ten libraries' catalogs. 

As part of the change, the UBorrow catalog will be deactivated on May 6, 2024.

We will continue to prioritize libraries who lend materials for the longest period of time, and requests will be filled as quickly as possible.

As an alternative to searching and requesting through UBorrow, we suggest using WorldCat. You should see a link to "Request via Interlibrary Loan" after clicking on a record. Worldcat is also available as an option in our catalog under External Search on the left hand side.


List of external search options with a red arrow next to Other Libraries


Watch this short video below to see how to search Worldcat through the library's catalog.



  • Last Updated Mar 20, 2024
  • Views 2406
  • Answered By Lynné Colbert

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