Why am I seeing an "access to this resource has been restricted" or "restrictive mode enabled" message when I try to login to an online resource via OpenAthens?

"Access to this resource has been restricted" error message in OpenAthens


The most common reasons for seeing this message are:

  • You found a resource through Google or Google Scholar (for example) and it isn't able to link to the Libraries access correctly.
  • You are attempting to login to a resource that the Libraries does not subscribe to.
  • You are trying to access a resource that isn't able to use the generic Institutional/OpenAthens login.

What should you do?

  • Check to see whether the Libraries has access to the resource through our A-Z Databases page or search using Library Search.
    • If you see a link to the resource, use that one, and you should be prompted to login the "correct" way instead of through the OpenAthens login page.
  • If you have any questions about OpenAthens, check out our OpenAthens library guide or submit a support ticket for assistance using the form to the right and select "Authentication/OpenAthens" from the What type of resource/issue are you reporting? drop-down.


  • Last Updated May 20, 2024
  • Views 183
  • Answered By Alison Davis

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